Private Equity

What Business Models Are Most Attractive to Advisors Near Retirement?

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Jared F. Baucom

Jared F. Baucom

Managing Director, Global Sales & Marketing

Boston HQ +1 617.437.0084

Advisor Succession Looms Large

Within the next ten years, 37% of financial advisors who collectively control $10.4 trillion, or 40% of total industry assets, expect to retire. Among advisors retiring in the next decade, 27% plan to transition their book of business to another advisor in their practice, while 25% are unsure of their succession plan. ​

Distribution of Advisor Headcount by Advisor Age, 2015 vs. 2020

Distribution of Advisor Headcount and Assets by Advisor Age, 2015 vs. 2020
Sources: Cerulli Associates, Investment Company Institute, Insured Retirement Institute, VARDS, Strategic Insight/SIMFUND, Investment News, Judy Diamond, Department of Labor, PLANSPONSOR, S&P Capital IQ MMD, Financial Planning, Financial Advisor Magazine, Investment Advisor Magazine, and Cerulli Associates, in partnership with the Investments & Wealth Institute,, and the Financial Planning Association® (FPA®)

As advisors age, they are seeking partners to help them gracefully exit the industry and ensure that their clients remain well cared for. This raises a set of countervailing issues such as type of service model, advisor compensation, and the value of their practice.

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Cerulli can help you understand the types of business models that will be most appealing to advisors as they seek to transfer their businesses and clients. 

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Wealth Management

Subject Matter Experts

Bing Waldert

Bing Waldert

Managing Director, U.S. Research

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Bing Waldert

Bing Waldert

Managing Director, U.S. Research

Bing Waldert leads Cerulli’s U.S. Research team comprising seven research practices that cover all elements of the U.S. asset management, wealth management, and retirement markets. He has authored Cerulli reports on the wealth management industry, high-net-worth market, the annuity industry, and retirement markets. He is a frequent board-level and C-suite speaker and well-regarded industry thought leader. He has spoken in front of the Investment Company Institute (ICI), the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC), the Investments and Wealth Institute (IWI), and the Money Management Institute (MMI).

He has worked on client projects on emerging manager expansion strategies, independent registered investment advisors (RIAs), multi-family offices (MFOs), investment platforms, and the outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) industry. In addition, he has advised multiple private equity firms on acquisitions in the wealth management space.

Full biography here.

Asher Cheses

Asher Cheses


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Asher Cheses

Asher Cheses


Asher is a member of Cerulli’s Wealth Management practice, specializing in trends that impact high-end advisory firms and high-net-worth investors. In his role, Asher is responsible for leading various strategic consulting engagements within the wealth management practice, focusing on multi-family offices, RIAs, private banks, and trust companies.

Prior to joining Cerulli, Asher worked as an Investment Analyst at a Boston-based multi-family office, where he conducted fund due diligence and portfolio analysis for high-net-worth investors.

Full biography here.

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Understand where to allocate resources to achieve your objectives. We can help you determine which initiatives are likely to be successful and those that may not achieve the desired effect. In an increasingly competitive market, our objectivity and experience can help you to advance your firm’s unique strengths.

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