
Latin American Distribution Dynamics 2024

Keeping Cross-Border Funds Competitive amid Investor Demand for High Yields and Alternatives

Inform Strategic Expansion

  • Review the revitalization of the offshore wealth management business for Latin American individuals in light of unstable local economies and political upheaval
  • Assess the long-term growth prospects for firms distributing to Latin pension managers
  • Discover distribution approaches to the Brazilian market


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Report Latin American Distribution Dynamics 2020 Detail

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Jared F. Baucom

Jared F. Baucom

Managing Director, Global Sales & Marketing

Boston HQ +1 617.437.0084


Gain in-depth analysis on six Latin American countries with the largest addressable asset management markets—Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru—focusing on the expansion of opportunities for global mutual fund managers and ETF providers seeking to distribute in the Latin American institutional and affluent retail segments.

A Note from the Author

Latin America Opens Its Doors to Alternative Investments

Thomas V. Ciampi

Thomas V. Ciampi

Founder and Director of Latin Asset Management

Bio →

Thomas V. Ciampi

Thomas V. Ciampi

Founder and Director of Latin Asset Management

Thomas V. Ciampi is the founder and director of Latin Asset Management, with whom Cerulli Associates has a strategic relationship for coverage of the Latin American asset management marketplace.

Full biography here.

There is a rising interest and demand for alternatives across Latin America and in the U.S. offshore market. Wealthy individuals and family offices from Latin America poured $1 billion into alternatives in 2023, a figure that we expect will double in 2024. Pension systems in the Andes and Mexico held more than $71 billion in alternatives, a sharp increase when compared to the $46 billion in 2020.

Factors driving demand:

1. Alternative Platform Access: Alternative platforms create more opportunity for alternative providers to place novel products and strategies to intermediaries, including private banks, family offices, and boutique advisories. These platforms take the legwork out of the due diligence and research processes for wealth managers and aim to provide end-investors with greater liquidity and redemption options as well as lower minimum investments. Importantly, they also make it easier for financial advisors who are plugged in to collect trail commissions on alternative investments.

2. Loosened Regulation: While investment regimes of private pension systems of Latin America are tightly regulated, limits on alternatives have been liberal, as governments see these vehicles promoting investment in local industry, infrastructure, and real estate. Alternatives products’ long-term nature and promise of attractive returns with low volatility make them especially attractive to pension managers charged with maximizing the size of pension payouts.

For more information on the growing adoption of alternative investments as well as other distribution and product development trends taking place in the major markets of Latin America, access our report, The Cerulli Report—Latin American Distribution Dynamics 2024: Keeping Cross-Border Funds Competitive amid Investor Demand for High Yields and Alternatives.

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