Corner Office Views
October 3, 2022
Cerulli's corner office views provides market-leading insights and tangible takeaways for senior executives seeking to strengthen and scale their business models.
Latest Insights
Timely Insights to Inform Your Business Strategy

U.S. Wealth Management and Defined Contribution: Converging?
Defined contribution providers are positioned to advise clients

Catering to the Burgeoning Family Office Space in Asia
A diverse range of skillsets is a must

Growing institutional asset manager business in the face of market volatility
Rethinking strategic allocations
Past Articles

U.S. RIAs Encounter Differentiation Challenges
How can strategic partners help?

Thematic Investing in the Spotlight in Asia
But stickiness of investors remains a concern

China-Oriented Funds in Europe: What Future?
Appetite for China-oriented funds by European investors grows but remains mixed

U.S. Managers Seek ESG Products, Headcount, and Data
Consistent ESG standards still needed

Striving for Low-Carbon Investing in Asia
Collaborating to address climate risks will be key

Investors Pledge to Tackle Biodiversity Loss
Asset managers need to develop more comprehensive approaches to address biodiversity risks

How Can U.S. Distribution Teams Use Data Effectively?
Insufficient infrastructure and sourcing data remain major challenges

Trends in Asia Institutional Investing
Institutional investors are building alternatives exposure

The Rising Importance of Brand in Europe
Marketing budgets are rising in 2022

Can Defined Contribution Plans in the U.S. Support Decumulation?
Communication with plan sponsors is critical

How to Meet the Needs of the High-Net-Worth Segment in Asia
Managers should pitch the right strategies to and seek partnerships with private banks

How Can Managers Combat Fee Pressure in the European Insurance Market?
Managers need a proactive approach

How to Keep Investors on Target During Social-Media-Fueled Rallies?
The “meme stock” craze has some lessons for advisors

Where Is the Potential in China’s Retirement Market?
China’s third pillar pensions has the most promising opportunities for managers wanting to break into the country’s huge retirement market

How Are Investor Preferences Shifting in Europe?
Risk management has become an important goal for private banking and wealth manager clients

Direct Indexing and the Unfulfilled Promise of Tax Efficient SMAs
For decades, the financial services industry has touted the customization of managed accounts, yet only partially delivered on that claim. Direct indexing may change that.

The Evolution of Institutional Sales in the Pandemic Era
Outsourcing opportunities abound, but managers must adapt to the new digital age.

Strategies to Overcome Distribution Challenges
Managers will need deep partnerships with distributors.

How Do U.S. Allocators Use an ESG Lens to Evaluate Asset Managers?
Today, nearly all U.S. allocators—institutional investors, investment consultants, OCIOs—have standardized questions on ESG that they ask managers during their review process.

How to Keep Pace with Asia Asset Owner ESG Expectations?
Asia’s largest institutions will influence the ESG behavior of small and mid-sized investors

Asset Owners’ Approach to Climate Change
Climate change is the key topic addressed in many European asset owners’ responsible investment policies

How Is COVID-19 Changing U.S. Salesforces?
Internal wholesalers and hybrids will comprise a larger share of headcount

Is There Opportunity in Asian Private Pensions?
China and Taiwan are lucrative retail retirement markets due to favorable regulation

Should Managers Pursue Thematic ETFs in Europe?
Thematic ETFs are still niche, but are poised to grow

What happens when fixed-income ETF prices deviate from the NAV in a crisis?
Performance of ETFs and mutual funds in tumultuous markets underscores benefits to using both vehicles
in concert

How can managers create “digitalized personal touch” in China?
The coronavirus outbreak has brought about opportunities for a new wave of digital disruption, as more investors turn to online means of communication and making investment decisions

How can managers grow strategic partnerships in Europe's insurance industry?
Driven by the need to improve operational efficiencies and profits, insurers are increasingly consolidating their relationships with external asset managers

How can active asset managers distribute their strategies in ETFs?
The opportunity to offer non-transparent ETFs is highly attractive and lucrative, particularly for active managers amid an industry-wide shift toward low-cost passive investments

How can fund managers penetrate insurance retirement markets?
Insurance products are some of the most established and well-known financial products in the region

What is the way forward in European private markets?
Investor demand for private assets in Europe is set to keep rising, but so too is competition. What is the way forward?

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Understand where to allocate resources to achieve your objectives. We can help you determine which initiatives are likely to be successful and those that may not achieve the desired effect. In an increasingly competitive market, our objectivity and experience can help you to advance your firm’s unique strengths.